The Morse rifle was made by the Confederate States during the Civil War. It is very rare, especially in such fine condition, and extremely valuable. This one would be worth $25,000 to $40,000. It is a fascinating combination of a unique action and a .50-caliber cartridge.
The history of the single shot is replete with unique, special-order or small-production rifles that are exquisite in their workmanship, their ingenious design or are fascinating for their history. Many reside in private collections, are rarely seen by the pub-lic and are largely unknown. Here are four such rifles.
After the U.S. Army abandoned the Remington Rolling Block pistol with its miniature action, Remington bought back 300 of them and used the actions as the basis for some special-order rifles. As can be seen, Remington did an extraordinary job on them. This one is a .32-20.
The Stevens single shots are considered by many to be the finest of all the American target rifles. This one is a Model 44 .25-25 Stevens (Straight), obviously made for target shooting only, and is about as photogenic as a rifle can get. W.W. Greener of Birmingham made a specialty of using Martini actions for everything from .22 target rifles to trap shotguns. This “Ladies’ Special” is a .22 rimfire built on a miniature Martini, during the era before1914 when target shooting was a passion for both men and women.